Open House Opportunities

Parent Shadow Day

Wednesday, April 2

Whether you are a parent of a grade school student or thinking of transferring your high school-age daughter to Trinity, the Parent Shadow on Wednesday, April 2 is an opportunity to explore your options!
Trinity’s Parent Preview Day Schedule
Wednesday, April 2, 2025.
A Blazer-filled experience for Parents of #FutureBlazers. 

This day is specifically designed with the busy, and not-so-busy, parent in mind ~ it's as flexible as you need.  Check out the schedule below and your availability between 8:30 -11:00 AM.  Come when you want, stay as long as you can. Tailor the day to your interest and availability.

Preregistration is not necessary.

Enter through the Fox Auditorium Doors off Lathrop Avenue

8:15 AM - Doors Open.  
Meet Trinity’s Admission Team!

8:30 AM - Welcome!
Meet Trinity’s President/Principal (either or both)

8:45 AM - Tour the School. 
Grab a class schedule and check out Trinity’s first-period classes! Guided and self-guided tours are available during this time.

9:30 AM - It’s Homeroom Time!
Head to the Sister Michelle Germanson Athletic Facility and meet Trinity’s counselors, the IB Coordinator, Athletic Director, VP of Student Life, students, and more.  This is a great time to get answers to many of the questions you have: Find out more about the IB program. What does it mean to be a student-athlete?  How can my daughter get involved in clubs and organizations? What about college acceptance? How do I get to Trinity? How can I transfer my daughter's scores to Trinity? What does the admissions process look like? We are here to answer these questions and more! 

9:45 AM - Homeroom is Over!  
Continue the conversation, tour Trinity’s second-period classes, or head on your way home or to work.

11:00 AM - Parent Shadow Day Ends. 
If you still have questions, Trinity’s admissions team will be available for one one-on-one discussions.

Contact Trinity's Director of Admissions, Mary Beth Lavezzorio'82, at 708.453.8343 or with questions.