
Message from the Principal

Amy Gallie, Principal

Trinity is a place where students are challenged; both as learners and young women growing up in an increasingly complicated world. The graduation requirements are rigorous and demand that students gain mastery in academic subjects such as: English, Theology, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, World Language, Physical Education, Technology, and Fine and Performing Arts. But, their learning does not stop in the realm of academics. 

The school also challenges students to go out and serve in the communities where they live. As a Sinsinawa Domincan School our students are called to action, to live out their faith, and learn from people and events happening in the world around them. Through ten hours of required service for each of their four years at Trinity our girls learn about themselves and their world. They learn to recognize injustice when they see it and take action. 

With the skills and knowledge gained through the study of academic areas of knowledge and the courage garnered through faith and nurtured by Trinity’s caring faculty and staff, the students leave our school able to embody our mission of empowering young women to be leaders who embody knowledge, strength, and faith.