
Tuition & Financial Aid

Tuition for the 2025-2026 school year is $17,100.

Scholarship and Financial Aid Information

Financial Aid Information

Financial Aid Application deadlines:
January 20, 2025 (first round) for the Class of 2029
January 31, 2025 (second round) for the Class of 2029
March 3, 2025 for current Trinity students

The Financial Aid Program is funded by generous donations from alumnae and other Trinity supporters as well as through the efforts of Trinity’s Board of Directors and the Institutional Advancement team. The Financial Aid Program assures that talented students will not be denied a Trinity education due to financial circumstances.


  • Financial aid for tuition assistance is available to students whose families demonstrate financial need.
  • A student receiving financial assistance must maintain a 2.0 grade point average throughout that school year.
  • Applications received after the deadline are subject to available funds. 
  • Families must reapply each year for financial assistance.
 The Financial Aid Application is available online in mid-November. 

Some financial aid recipients may elect to participate in the Work Study Program. Through this program, students learn to be responsible by performing specific tasks under the supervision of faculty and staff. Each semester their supervisors evaluate the students. All students are eligible to be a part of the grant program.

Scholarships Available to Incoming Freshmen

Trinity offers scholarship opportunities to incoming freshmen who take the entrance exam at Trinity High School at the first testing date in December.  Available scholarships and criteria are as follows:

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  • Premiere Dominican Scholarship

    $20,000 scholarship ($5,000 renewable annually) to students who score at the 99th percentile or higher on Trinity's entrance exam on December 7, 2024.  Renewable for all four years based on the student maintaining a minimum of 3.0 GPA, no serious disciplinary action, and completion of required service projects.  Students will have until March 1st to submit the Principal letter of recommendation and personal statement.
  • Honors Scholarship

    $12,000 scholarship ($3,000 renewable annually) to students who score at the 95th to 98th percentile or higher on Trinity's entrance exam on December 7, 2024.  Renewable for all four years based on student maintaining a minimum of 3.0 GPA, no serious discipline action, and completion of required service projects.  Students will have until March 1st to submit Principal letter of recommendation and personal statement.
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  • Board of Directors Leadership Scholarship

    $4,000 ($1,000 renewable annually) scholarship to students who score at the 90th to 94th percentile or higher on Trinity's entrance exam on December 7, 2024.  Renewable for all four years based on student maintaining a minimum of 3.0 GPA, no serious disciplinary action, and completion of required service projects.  Students will have until March 1st to submit Principal letter of recommendation and personal statement.
  • Sister Natalie – Sister Viviana Award

    $1000 nonrenewable award presented to one incoming freshman from each of the following grade schools where the Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters taught: St. Giles, St. Vincent Ferrer, and St. Luke. Consideration is given to class standing, teacher/principal recommendation qualities of leadership, character, and service.
  • Trinity High School Legacy Scholarship

    $1000 nonrenewable scholarship awarded to an incoming freshman who is a daughter or granddaughter of a Trinity alumna. Award is based on academic performance and leadership, character, and service qualities displayed during the junior high years.
  • Triss Brady Meyer Scholarship

    $4,000 ($1,000 renewable annually) scholarship is named in honor of Triss Brady Meyer '67, a tremendous supporter of Trinity High School and the Trinity Blazers.  The selection for this scholarship recognizes a student's excellent leadership, moral character, and exemplary service in elementary school.  Further, an essay is submitted that provides the connectivity between her and Trinity, something that was so valued by Triss Brady Meyer.

Outside Scholarship Opportunities

In addition to Trinity’s financial assistance, many of our students receive awards from various groups and organizations. These groups generally have similar requirements (application, tax return information, asset and housing information) and some may have additional requirements for academic achievement. Please feel free to call the listed agencies for more information. If you are interested in applying to one of these organizations be aware that most have very strict deadlines. Contact them to obtain further information.

If you are interested in applying for scholarships for the 2022-2023 school year, please contact the organizations directly.

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  • Big Shoulders

    In promotion of Catholic Education, Big Shoulders provides K-12 scholarships. Award amounts vary on need and grant type. For more information go to
  • Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund

    The Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund provides high school scholarship assistance and educational support to students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds who live in Chicago, Cicero, or Berwyn.

    Application deadline is Monday, October 1, 2024. Call 312.455.7800 or visit
  • Holy Family Scholars Chicago

    HFS provides scholarships to economically disadvantaged, at-risk Chicago inner-city students who show academic leadership and promise. For application details call 312.421.4070 or visit

    Application deadline is Tuesday, November 15, 2024.
  • HighSight

    HighSight provides scholarships to Chicago families with motivated students that exhibit financial need. Applications are available in December 2024 and are due March 31, 2025. Call 312.787.9824 or visit
  • LINK Unlimited

    LINK awards financial support to economically disadvantaged African-American students. Application opens in October 2024 and closes in December 2024. Learn more at
  • Madonna Foundation

    The Madonna Foundation’s mission is to educate under-served young women in the Chicago area by providing access to academic excellence at a single-gender Catholic High School. For more information and to apply go to  The application will be open February 1, 2025 to February 28, 2025.

Contact for More Information

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