Daniela Espana ~ My Senior Story

Trinity is special to me because of the amazing people that I have gotten to meet over these past four years. I have made so many friendships that I know will continue to go with me in college and beyond. Another amazing thing about Trinity is being able to see how much I have grown since freshmen year. I am no longer the shy girl I used to be and I know I will be prepared in college because of my experience at Trinity. 

My favorite Trinity tradition is the kickball game because of the excitement it creates throughout the whole day. I like seeing how competitive my classmates get over trying to beat the other classes. I especially enjoy watching the faculty play against my class in the game. Even if I have never played in the kickball game, watching from the bleachers has made me grateful that I got to experience an iconic Trinity tradition with my 57 classmates. 

My message to future Blazers is not to be afraid to talk to people in your classes. I know it can be intimidating to talk to new people but everyone else is experiencing the same thing. Once you create that first conversation, you will feel so much better when it comes to new conversations with people and the connections you make with them. 

My college acceptance story is: I am the first person to go to college in my family and also to go out of state. I am the oldest of three, so I will be the first to experience college and leave my siblings. I know I will still be able to see my family and talk to them even if I am far away. I am confident I will set an example for my siblings so that way they aren't so afraid to start new journeys in their lives. 

Whitman College ~ Majoring in Political Science, Saint Frances of Rome School, Cicero